The Arts

Art for inspiration

Art like wine involves a demanding commitment to a passion. Any artistic achievement begins with a flash of inspiration and transforms the ordinary into something partially divine. Angelus the wine, like the painting of the same name by Jean-François Millet, transcends reality to attain pure beauty. Both celebrate this call to devotion, when the church bells rang in the morning, at midday and in the evening, prompting the country folk to stop and pray in the fields. Both also rejoice before the vigour in a piece of land, the pride of hard work and the simple beauty of life.

The Plastic Arts

As a part of its policy of sponsoring the arts, Angelus gave carte blanche to Floc’h, the master of the ligne claire (clear line), to create a work that expresses his vision of the wine estate today. Through twenty original drawings inspired by the Angélus of Jean-François Millet, the illustrator offers the visitor a round-the-world journey.

Yohan Berglund

Johan Berglund accompanied us during the whole of the 2017 harvest casting his artist’s eye over the Angélus estate. The result was a unique perspective depicted in a collection of images that were exhibited at Angelus during the primeurs presentation.

Benoit Maire

This intense quest for emotion and creativity is why for many years the estate has hosted art exhibitions of the works of artists such as Pierre de Berroeta, Zvy Mihlstein, Jacques Germain, Michel Pourteyron and Benoît Maire, yohan Berglund. Angélus adores Art with a passion.


The Cinema

Angelus and the Seventh Art

Bottles of Angelus have featured in films adding distinction and refinement to various settings. Its uniqueness and what its name conjures up have appealed to the directors of a number of well-known films: in Casino Royale and Spectre, Angelus is chosen by James Bond for an important meeting, La Vie en Rose, Conversations with My Gardener, 22 Bullets, and many others. Angelus stars in more than thirty French and international films. It is a key character in romantic encounters, reunions of friends and moments of sharing that cinema-goers are reassured by when they see it. Whatever the scenario, in a studio or in the vines, Château Angelus is always like tasting a plot of eternity, even if the sensation only lasts a minute!

James Bond chooses Château Angelus
Different personalities' takes on Angelus

The Music


The name Angelus alone conjures up the sound of church bells, the symbols of the estate found on the bottle labels, in its logo and bell tower. Angelus has sought to capture this unique sound, entrusting it to the great jazz pianist Yaron Herman for the creation of the estate’s sound identity.

Symphonies at Angelus

“Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion” are an important yearly event in the local calendar, when internationally renowned classical musicians are invited to Château Angelus to give private concerts in the cellars in September. The programmes feature classical, baroque and modern favourites and are followed by tastings of the estate’s wines.

In a comfortable setting “Les Grandes Heures” and "Les Grands Crus Musicaux" have offered an improvised stage for the magical Stradivarius strings of Janine Jansen and the virtuoso Maxim Vengerov.

Janine Jansen 13-15 Two Part Inventions No. 13
/ 01:57
RONNIE KOLE Silent Night
/ 01:49
Maxime Vengerov 3-15 Csárdás
/ 06:08